Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Cemetery Unearthed in India (National Geographic News, US)



February 21, 2018 - Archaeologists unearthed skeletons and pottery in an ancient cemetery near Haryana, India. The burial ground is believed to have belonged to the Indus Valley civilization, a Bronze Age civilization that once spanned an area greater than ancient Egypt. The site is located at Rakhigarhi, one of the largest cities of the Indus civilization. 46 partial and complete skeletons were found—some buried on beds of pottery, possibly denoting high-ranking members of the society. Researchers are hoping to DNA test the remains to confirm their origin.

Period21 Feb 2018

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleAncient Indus Valley Civilization Cemetery Unearthed in India
    Media name/outletNational Geographic News
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    DescriptionFebruary 21, 2018 - Archaeologists unearthed skeletons and pottery in an ancient cemetery near Haryana, India. The burial ground is believed to have belonged to the Indus Valley civilization, a Bronze Age civilization that once spanned an area greater than ancient Egypt. The site is located at Rakhigarhi, one of the largest cities of the Indus civilization. 46 partial and complete skeletons were found—some buried on beds of pottery, possibly denoting high-ranking members of the society. Researchers are hoping to DNA test the remains to confirm their origin.
    PersonsDong Hoon Shin